The Stocker AstroScience Center presents a Benefit Concert for the Miami International GuitART Festival, featuring guitarists Mesut Ozgen, Celso Cano, Felipe Carvajal, James Webb, and Palmer Graves, as well as FIU Guitar Ensembles on Sunday, January 22, 2017 at 4:00pm.
A wide variety of music will be performed from classical, Latin American, Spanish, flamenco, and acoustic guitar repertoire.
Seats are limited, please RSVP to webbj@fiu.edu or sign up at the Facebook event page.
Doors will open on the 1st floor exhibition hall in the Stocker AstroScience Center ASTRO 101 at 3:30pm and the concert will start at 4:00pm. After the concert, you will have a chance to meet the artists and join tours of the observatory, control room, and visual observing with telescopes, including the wonderful 24″ automated telescope if weather permits.
Address: FIU Stocker AstroScience Center 10920 SW 11th St Miami, FL 33174
For the complete sponsorship packages with benefits and other support opportunities, please go to Support MIGF.