Tuesday, February 22, 2022
7:30 pm EST
WPAC Concert Hall
$20 general, $15 senior/FIU faculty, staff, & alumni, $10 student
Masterclass with Sergio Assad
Wednesday, February 23, 2022
9:00 am EST
WPAC Instrumental Hall
Free admission
2022 MIGF Festival Pass
is available to attend all festival events at a single reduced price: $100 general, $70 senior/FIU faculty, staff, & alumni, $30 student
The 2022 Miami International GuitART Festival presents Latin Grammy winner guitarist and composer Sergio Assad and his daughter award-winning composer, pianist, and multi-lingual singer Clarice Assad in a program of Brazilian jazz, samba, choro, bossa nova, and classics, as well as the world premiere of Sergio Assad’s new concerto.
“Voyages: The GuitART Concerto”, commissioned by MIGF, will be performed by guitarist Marco Sartor, as soloist, and FIU Festival Orchestra with Amernet String Quartet members, conducted by Elaine Rinaldi.