Saturday, February 26, 2022
7:30 pm EST
WPAC Concert Hall
$15 general, $10 senior/FIU faculty, staff, & alumni, $5 student
Friday, February 25, 2022
4:00 pm EST
WPAC Instrumental Hall
Free admission
Workshop with Mike Marshall
Friday, February 25, 2022
5:00 pm EST
WPAC Instrumental Hall
Free admission
2022 MIGF Festival Pass
is available to attend all festival events at a single reduced price: $100 general, $70 senior/FIU faculty, staff, & alumni, $30 student
The 2022 Miami International GuitART Festival presents virtuoso mandolinists Caterina Lichtenberg (Bulgaria/Germany) and Mike Marshall (USA/Germany) in concert, performing a program of duo works from Baroque to Latin American, featuring works by Bach, Heracilio Fernandez, Antonio Ruggeri, Chris Aquavella, Raphael Calace, Pixinguinha, and traditional American.
The Duo has recorded 3 CDs on the Adventure Music label. They have performed at the Schleswick-Holstein Festival in Germany with violinist Daniel Hope, The Rome Chamber Music Festival with Edgar Meyer, The Carmel Bach Festival, the Rockygrass, Grand Targhee and Wintergrass Bluegrass festivals, the Savannah Music Festival, The Festival de Mandolins de Lunel France and the Baroque Festival in Santa Cruz, CA.
A master of mandolin, guitar, mandocello and violin, three time Grammy Nominee Mike Marshall seamlessly blends his American roots background with a deep understanding of European classical, American Jazz, Pop and Brazilian Music.