Sunday, February 19, 2023
6:00 pm EST
WPAC Concert Hall
$15 general, $10 senior/FIU faculty, staff, & alumni, $5 student
2023 MIGF Festival Pass
is available to attend all festival events at a single reduced price: $100 general, $70 senior/FIU faculty, staff, & alumni, $30 student
Los Hermanos Calero are loyal interpreters of Colombian music and excellent representatives of the arts from the Andean region of Colombia combining all elements of the universal language of music from the villages.
In their musical style, tears, laughter, and dreams of young and old alike as well as the flavor they imprint on their performances honor the beautiful bambucos, torbellinos, guabinas, pasillos, waltzes, and dances that are mixed with melodies from Latinamerica and build in high quality forms. Not only singers with energizing voices but great performers of the Colombian guitar and tiple.
-Diario el País Cali
Merits and Awards:
1972 – Received the first “Coche de Plata”, a symbol from their city of birth “Palmira”, in a reunion of the artists from Palmira where they shared the stage with the Tenor Jose Vicente Calero Garcia, the comedian Jaime Agudelo (skinny Agudelo), and the famous duet Garzon y Collazos, all of which predicted the success of the duet “Los Hermanos Calero Cobo” until this moment.
1975 – Second place in the Festival “Mono Nuñez” in Ginebra, category vocal duet/instrumental
1980 – First place in the Festival “Mono Nuñez” in Ginebra, category vocal duet/instrumental
1983 – First place in the second festival of “Colcultura” in the city of Santa Fe Bogota.
2012 – XX Best Trios Festival honoring “Los Hermanos Calero”- Colombia- Plaza de Toros
and Municipal Theater “Enrique Buenaventura
National and International Concerts:
1982 – Sala ALBERTO CASTILLA of the Ibagué conservatory- Tolima. CENTER OF THE QUIRAMA CONVENTIONS – Rio Negro – Medellin. The MUNICIPAL THEATER of the city of Buga-Valle.
1983 – Grand concert of awards second national festival of interpreters of the Colombian music “COLCULTURA” in the “COLÓN THEATER” of Santa Fe Bogota. First grand concert of the folk music at the “COLISEO EVANGELISTA MORA with the company of symphonic orchestra of Valley under thed irection of the condoctor: Gustavo Yepez.
1983 – Concerts in numerous Culture Auditoriums in countries of South America: Brazil, Argentine,and Chile.
1983 – Concert in the auditorium of Colombian Consulate in Ayacucho Venezuela.
1984 – 1988 – Concerts on diverse cultural stages of the national territory: Leon de Greiff Auditory of the Universidad Nacional, Pablo VI Auditory of the Universidad Javeriana, Principa Auditory of the Universidad external de Colombia.
1989 – Grand Concert of Colombian Music on the Jorge Baron TV and Madison Square Garden in New York. United States tour in Atlanta, Los Angeles, Miami, and Washington.
1993 – Sent by the “MINISTRY OF EXTERNAL AFFAIRS” to the city of Quito- Ecuador to be the artistic representation with the motive to celebrate the patriotic parties of “JULY 20TH”, concert realized in the Colombian embassy of the country.
1996 – National release of the CD Sinfonia Colombiana in the “JORGE ISAACS (Cali)”, “PALMERAS”, and “PARQUE DE LA FACTORIA (Palmira)” Theaters.
1999 – Concert with the Youth Symphonic Orchestra of Panama in the Colon Theater in
the City of Panama.
2002 – José A. Morales Festival in Santander.
2004 – United States tour in Atlanta, Miami, and New York promoting the music in the Colombian communities.
2012 – XX Festival de los mejores Trios Homenaje a los “Hermanos Calero” Cali – Colombia – Plaza de Toros y Teatro Municipal “Enrique Buenaventura”.
2012 – Colsubsidio Theater Bogota Colombian Festival ICA.
2012 – Pachamama Festival Florida-Valle.
2012 – National Festival of Curds Candelaria-Valle.
2013 – Latin Week Frankfort, Germany.
2015 – Tribute received in Tuta (National Competition Requinto), Boyacá
2016 – Pachamama Festival Florida- Valle.
2016 – Andina Music Festival Queremal, Valle.
Viejo Querido, Primer Bambuco en Ingles, 20 Años de Exitos, Mas Colombianos que Nunca, Homenaje al Maestro “Luis Carlos González”, Homenaje al Maestro “José A. Morales”, Sinfonía Colombiana con “Orquesta Sinfónica del Valle”, Concierto Vallecaucano, 40 Años de Éxitos